Time for Tea

Nature's Wellness Drink
I am reminded of the natural antibacterial and antiviral properties of tea given the news of coronavirus. These health benefits have been demonstrated for centuries first as folk medicine and by science for several decades now. As one study noted, when modern medicine and tea can work together, the patient is usually better off.

Tea and Aromatherapy for Stress Relief, Better Breathing and Relaxation
TEAromatherapy is a great way to squeeze in some “me time” to refresh and rejuvenate. We don’t always have time to go to the spa or get a massage as our schedules become increasingly hectic with work, kids and chores.

Mamaki Tea Benefits: How Mamaki Is Making the World a Better Place
Mamaki tea benefits and how this Hawaiian plant is making the world a better place.

Hibiscus Bliss: An Active Life And A Healthy Heart
Hibiscus Bliss is rich in plant-based phytonutrients and offer antioxidant benefits that support an active life and a healthy heart.