Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- How to make Hot Tea
- How to make Iced Tea
- What are adaptogens and how can adaptogens help me?
- What adaptogens can be found in our teas?
- Caffeine in Tea
- Are our tea bags biodegradable?
- How much sugar is in tea?
- What are the health benefits of mamaki tea?
How to make Hot Tea
TEA BAG (1 bag per 8 fl. oz cup):
White Tea: 2 minutes at 165-175*F
Green Tea: 2 minutes at 165-175*F
Oolong Teas: 3 minutes at 185-195*F
Black and Pu-erh Teas: 2-3 minutes at 185-195*F
Herbal and Fruit Tisanes: 3-5 minutes at 195*F
LOOSE LEAF TEA (2 grams tea leaves per 8 fl. oz cup):
White Tea: 3-5 minutes at 165-175*F
Green Tea: 2-3 minutes at 165-175*F
Oolong Teas: 3-5 minutes at 185-195*F
Black and Pu-erh Teas: 3-5 minutes at 185-195*F
Herbal and Fruit Tisanes: 5 minutes at 195*F
How to make Iced Tea
Quick Brew (15 minutes)
Start with half of the water of the total amount of iced tea you want to make. For example, if you want to make one gallon of iced tea, start with one half-gallon of water. Heat the water to 195°, then remove from the stove. Add one pre-measured bag of Tropical Iced Tea or loose tea and steep for 5 minutes. Remove the tea leaves, then add a half-gallon of ice. Iced tea is now served!
For a quick cold-brewed tea, Hibiscus Bliss in tea bags will brew as little as 10 minutes. Toss a tea bag in a cup of cold water and watch the water change to a beautiful crimson red right before your eyes. Enjoy!
Cold Brew (4-6 hours+)
Add the tea leaves to cold water. Place in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours. Have fun diversifying your menu with loose teas like Jasmine Yin Hao or Strawberry Hula. Start with 40 grams of tea leaves per gallon and adjust, as desired.
What are adaptogens and how can they help me?
Adaptogens have been used for thousands of years and refer to a group of plants that are known to help manage stress more efficiently and offer a more holistic approach to overall well-being. Adaptogens can be used in day-to-day life to restore balance and decrease stress, no matter the cause. These plants are also presumed to provide several other health-related benefits including stronger immune function, brighter mood, blood sugar balance, reduced sugar cravings, increased energy and motivation, enhanced recovery from illness, reduced anxiety, and improved sleep. There are also several specific conditions that are believed to be balanced by the use of adaptogens: asthma, cardiovascular conditions, cold and flu, depression, and headaches.
Adaptogens are meant to strengthen the body over time, so it’s often recommended that individuals consume them consistently over a stretch of time. For example, drinking two to three cups of adaptogenic tea per day for six to eight weeks will yield the best results. Of course, for any specific ailments or concerns, you should always consult a physician before incorporating adaptogens into your wellness routine.
What adaptogens can be found in our teas?
Caffeine in Tea
Factors that affect the caffeine in your tea include the tea, water temperature, brewing time. Longer brewing time and hotter the water leads to more caffeine in the cup. Here is the caffeine in 8 oz of properly brewed tea compared to 8 oz of other popular drinks. Please note a can of Coke is 12 oz so the actual amount consumed would be higher than what’s listed below.
- Drip Coffee: 150-170 mg
- Red Bull: 80 mg
- Yerba mate: 75-85 mg
- Mountain Dew: 36 mg
- Black Tea: 25-45 mg
- Coke and Diet Coke 23 mg
- Oolong Tea: 25-30 mg
- Green Tea: 20-25 mg
- White Tea: 10-20 mg
- Herbal and Fruit Tisane: 0 mg
Are our tea bags biodegradable?
Our paper tea bags will decompose over time because they do not contain nylon, plastic or metal staples.
How much sugar is in tea?
All of our products are sugar free.
What are the health benefits of mamaki tea?
Mamaki has a long history of safe use in the traditional Hawaiian healing practice called la’au lapa'au. Mamaki is high in antioxidants which provides antibacterial and antiviral benefits. The plant is rich in nutrients including magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, C, K and B, beta-carotene and rutin. It also has adaptogenic properties related to balancing blood sugar and blood pressure.
Learn more about this benevolent plant in our blog, How Mamaki Tea Is Making the World a Better Place
FAQs for Our Japanese Customers
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- 発送業者はどこを使いますか?
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- 日本で商品は買えますか?日本に正規店はありますか?
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- 日本語で質問してもいいですか?
お問い合わせ(F&Q) よくあるご質問
オーダーの重さが3-5ポンド (1.3 kg- 2.3 kg) の場合、$67-$75です。
通常はUnited States Postal Service (USPS) ですが、お客様がリクエストされた場合のみUnited Parcel Service (UPS) にて発送致します。
Whole Foods Market, Foodland, ドン・キホーテ, Longs Drugs, Dole Plantation, Kona Mountain Coffee at Hilton Waikiki, ローソン, Coco Cove, Holo Holo, Mana Up Store, 空港内のギフトショップなどでご購入いただけます。